Hello my lovelies!
This may be the last blog post I write for a little while I am afraid. Surgery is going ahead on Tuesday and I am due to spend Monday night in the hospital too. Kenneth is finally leaving me! *Cue celebratory fist pump. After surgery I have been told that I may not be able to type for a while. I am in hospital for about 10 days but even once I am home, moving my arms will be a little painful and therefore typing all my news up for you lovely people could be a little tricky but I promise that as soon as I can I will. In the mean time I hope I will be able to type little tweets so if you follow me on twitter you may be able to find out how I am doing a little earlier @Laura_Loui5e.
In other news, apart from doing copious amounts of shopping for post surgery clothes I have also been catching up with friends and family which has been lovely. I have spent this weekend at Snoop Doggy Rob's house where as well as seeing him, Naomi and Jane I was able to spend some quality time with my aunt, uncle, cousins and grandma who had come down for the weekend to help with the house tours. I really had the best time ever!
So how have I prepared for my big operation and hospital stay? I have been busy trying to pamper myself but now that my
nails are peeling and breaking they are becoming too thin to paint. As
you can imagine I am not happy about this. I now have short boy nails
and I can't even paint them pink :( So I have had lots of long hot bubble baths, whacked on a couple of face masks and massaged my head in the hope of stimulating some hair growth. Tomorrow evening I will arrive at the hospital armed with absolutely everything I can think of to make my stay there a bit more bearable. I am not afraid to add that that includes Hank the hippo my good luck charm from my sister, Duck (a now slightly greying cuddly toy) who I have had since I was a baby (yes that is right aged 22 I am taking TWO cuddly toys into hospital with me, so what?) and my trusted pink beanie hat. Wow reading that back I realise just how cool I must sound to all of you! I have also reminded Madre how good she was at hand massages during chemo in the hope she can revisit that skill next week and told every single person I can that it is my birthday next Monday so that (fingers crossed) I have the biggest card collection the hospital has ever seen!
Throughout my battle with Kenneth I have been surprised by many
people. Some friends have proved to be amazing whilst others have left
me disappointed. Actually the ones who disappointed me were ones I thought would be amazing and some people I didn't expect have been beyond amazing. An example being that I hear from people I went to primary school with and haven't seen for years sometimes more frequently than others who claim I am their 'best friend'. I guess it is true what they say that in times of need
you really learn who your true friends are. I also just want to add that
all of my family have been super duper amazinggg throughout all of
this. And you my lovely readers haven't been too bad yourselves either. Seriously though I have LOVED hearing from some of you. Your messages of support mean the world and I love hearing that I have been able to help some of you out as well, maybe even get you to laugh. If you are bored over the next few weeks, drop me an email or tweet me. I may not be able to reply for a while but I would love to have some interesting reading in hospital.
Anyways I shall leave you all for now and look forward to blogging to you again soon (WITHOUT KENNETH)!
Love you long time. X

Hi, my name is Laura. I like to think I am a pretty normal 23 year old. Shopping, laughing and beautifying are a big part of my life. On 23rd November 2012 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and my whole life changed. I vowed to make my battle with the big C as short and fun as possible. I blog about my journey to remind you lot to check your boobies, raise awareness and tell my story.
16 Jun 2013
5 Jun 2013
Picnics and hospital tricks...
Hello hello,
Hope everyone is doing well?!
It has been a little while since I have written a 'proper' post and so I thought I would treat you all to a little insight into the world of Laura this past week or so.
What news do I have for you all? Well it is hopefully less than 2 weeks until Kenneth is finally evicted out of his current home and forced to live for the remainder of his days in some medical waste site. WAHOO! At the moment I am looking at a surgery date of 18th June. The only slight downside of this is that I will be spending my birthday in hospital :( but I am hoping that maybe this means I will be extra spoiled? For those of you that don't know *cough cough* it is June 24th.
I am feeling much better about surgery now. I had a great meeting with my plastic surgeon on Monday and now feel as ready as I will ever be, if Angelina Jolie can do it so can I! I cannot wait to be on the home run. I have no idea how long it will take me to recover from the surgery. I know that it is a pretty major operation and I can expect to be in hospital for at least 10 days but I have no idea what happens after that. I have heard it can take up to 6 months. BUT once surgery is over and done with the only therapies I will have left are Herceptin every three weeks and Tamoxifen tablets (5 years).
In other news, my cousin Olivia came to stay last week which was really lovely. Snoop Doggy Rob took us out for lunch which was very nice and then we went on a mini adventure. I drove us to all the local beaches I could and we finished by having an ice cream at my favourite place The Winking Prawn. We then spent the remainder of our day cooking fajitas, drinking pink bubbles and laughing a lot (whilst in our pj's I might add, we know how to style it out!). It was so much fun.
On Friday the lovely Jane (Lucy's mum) took me to have my Herceptin. We also had a great day and had a yummy lunch in the sunshine. I got to see all the chemo nurses and they all remembered me which was nice. They call me 'the lovely Laura'. I like this nickname.
Me and Madre went for a picinic and walk to make the most of the sunshine at the weekend.
I really really love the sunshine. It makes everyone a whole bunch happier.
Monday was spent at the hospital, having CT scans, surgery chats and pre-op assessments. It was the first time I wore my pink hair to the hospital and I got so many compliments that I may well wear it again! I was so brave in my plastic surgery appointment. I overcame my shyness and asked all of the embarassing questions that I needed too. When we left the hospital I was in such a good mood that I even made up my own theme tune. I was in Marks and Spencer singing/humming away to myself without a care in the world. I didn't care if people thought I was weird. The girl with the bright pink hair humming as she selected her apples. I was having a ball.
It has been a super long time since I last wrote about my beauty woes. My hair is growing back nicely, I almost have a full covering of hair which is very exciting. However Summer is proving to be difficult for head accessorizing. I find I often get too hot in my wig and beanies. What can I do? I have tried some Summery hats on but they all look weird as I seem to have a small head and the hats are just too big. When I have more hair I think I will be able to get away with them, but for now I just look like a mutant extra large baby in a sunhat. Especially when I put my factor 50 suncream on too.
My eyelashes are still falling out. This does not seem fair, surely they too should be growing back? I have about 4 lashes on my left eye and maybe 7 on the right (but they are very short). I am missing them very much. It is amazing how much difference eye lashes make to your face. I find myself staring at other people's lashes in envy (I probably look a bit creepy actually, maybe I should stop that) wishing I too had both upper and lower lashes.
I also need to say a big thank you and well done to everyone who has been doing fundraising recently...
My wonderful cousin and Uncle who ran the Manchester 10K
Nia who did the Race for life (She has already done the Reading half marathon too!).
And finally to Snoop Doggy Rob and Jane who are VERY busy doing SO much fundraising it is unreal. What superstars!! They are doing lots and lots of house and garden tours. They even wrote a book!
THANK YOU EVERYONE and I love you all lots and lots!
I am looking forward to the weekend. My little sister Naomi is coming to stay. Yay. She will have finished her Finals *proud face* and is coming home to celebrate. So I will end this post with a little flashback photo of me and her back in the days when I had both hair AND eyelashes.
Love you long time. X
Hope everyone is doing well?!
It has been a little while since I have written a 'proper' post and so I thought I would treat you all to a little insight into the world of Laura this past week or so.
What news do I have for you all? Well it is hopefully less than 2 weeks until Kenneth is finally evicted out of his current home and forced to live for the remainder of his days in some medical waste site. WAHOO! At the moment I am looking at a surgery date of 18th June. The only slight downside of this is that I will be spending my birthday in hospital :( but I am hoping that maybe this means I will be extra spoiled? For those of you that don't know *cough cough* it is June 24th.
I am feeling much better about surgery now. I had a great meeting with my plastic surgeon on Monday and now feel as ready as I will ever be, if Angelina Jolie can do it so can I! I cannot wait to be on the home run. I have no idea how long it will take me to recover from the surgery. I know that it is a pretty major operation and I can expect to be in hospital for at least 10 days but I have no idea what happens after that. I have heard it can take up to 6 months. BUT once surgery is over and done with the only therapies I will have left are Herceptin every three weeks and Tamoxifen tablets (5 years).
In other news, my cousin Olivia came to stay last week which was really lovely. Snoop Doggy Rob took us out for lunch which was very nice and then we went on a mini adventure. I drove us to all the local beaches I could and we finished by having an ice cream at my favourite place The Winking Prawn. We then spent the remainder of our day cooking fajitas, drinking pink bubbles and laughing a lot (whilst in our pj's I might add, we know how to style it out!). It was so much fun.
On Friday the lovely Jane (Lucy's mum) took me to have my Herceptin. We also had a great day and had a yummy lunch in the sunshine. I got to see all the chemo nurses and they all remembered me which was nice. They call me 'the lovely Laura'. I like this nickname.
Me and Madre went for a picinic and walk to make the most of the sunshine at the weekend.
Where we ate our picnic :) |
I really really love the sunshine. It makes everyone a whole bunch happier.
Monday was spent at the hospital, having CT scans, surgery chats and pre-op assessments. It was the first time I wore my pink hair to the hospital and I got so many compliments that I may well wear it again! I was so brave in my plastic surgery appointment. I overcame my shyness and asked all of the embarassing questions that I needed too. When we left the hospital I was in such a good mood that I even made up my own theme tune. I was in Marks and Spencer singing/humming away to myself without a care in the world. I didn't care if people thought I was weird. The girl with the bright pink hair humming as she selected her apples. I was having a ball.
It has been a super long time since I last wrote about my beauty woes. My hair is growing back nicely, I almost have a full covering of hair which is very exciting. However Summer is proving to be difficult for head accessorizing. I find I often get too hot in my wig and beanies. What can I do? I have tried some Summery hats on but they all look weird as I seem to have a small head and the hats are just too big. When I have more hair I think I will be able to get away with them, but for now I just look like a mutant extra large baby in a sunhat. Especially when I put my factor 50 suncream on too.
My eyelashes are still falling out. This does not seem fair, surely they too should be growing back? I have about 4 lashes on my left eye and maybe 7 on the right (but they are very short). I am missing them very much. It is amazing how much difference eye lashes make to your face. I find myself staring at other people's lashes in envy (I probably look a bit creepy actually, maybe I should stop that) wishing I too had both upper and lower lashes.
I also need to say a big thank you and well done to everyone who has been doing fundraising recently...
My wonderful cousin and Uncle who ran the Manchester 10K
Nia who did the Race for life (She has already done the Reading half marathon too!).
And finally to Snoop Doggy Rob and Jane who are VERY busy doing SO much fundraising it is unreal. What superstars!! They are doing lots and lots of house and garden tours. They even wrote a book!
THANK YOU EVERYONE and I love you all lots and lots!
I am looking forward to the weekend. My little sister Naomi is coming to stay. Yay. She will have finished her Finals *proud face* and is coming home to celebrate. So I will end this post with a little flashback photo of me and her back in the days when I had both hair AND eyelashes.
Love you long time. X
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