Hello everyone. This post has been a long time coming and I
am sorry for that. I distanced myself from the world of blogging and writing, I think because I associated it with being ill but now I am sat at my computer in my Christmas jumper with
Elf on in the background feeling ready to update you all on the last nine months of my
life. (I can’t believe it's been that long!)
Let me start by telling you all that I am very well and
feeling extremely healthy. I have been focused on healing my body
over the course of the year. I have cut out dairy from my diet (apart from the
odd bit of chocolate or treat from time to time, I am only human),
reduced the amount of sugar I eat and I tend to avoid gluten too. I eat a
mainly vegan diet with the odd bit of fish as and when I fancy. This has all
been my decision and I feel much better for it. I have of course lost weight as
a result but my main reason for changing my diet was that I believe it helps my
body to function at its best. I am not suggesting that all cancer sufferers do
the same but this is just what I have found works for me and my body. I really enjoy cooking and making smoothies...
Make up free green smoothie selfie. |
Home made Tomato soup |
Vegan burgers and baked sweet potato fries |
Banana and chia seed smoothie |
Sunshine mango, banana and coconut smoothie |
Dairy free avocado pesto rice pasta |
I had some final bits of surgery in October and have been
resting and recovering from that since but I am now feeling much better and
almost at full strength. Being house bound again and spending almost a week in
hospital reminded me of how horrible all of this illness business can be. Every
day I would ask my surgeon if I could go home and whenever he said no I’d sulk but I did understand that he knows best. When I saw him recently for
a check up he said ‘you don’t like hospitals much do you?’ The answer is of
course no. I think I must have looked grumpy everyday I was in there, even more so than
the average hospital patient. It didn’t help that I thought I was only going to
be kept in for one night and by night five I was not happy. But the good news is
that as grumpy as I may have been it was all worth it and I now feel much
See, I did smile in hospital sometimes! |
My hair is finally growing at a normal rate and although it
is not as long as I would like it to be, it is on its way. My eyelashes and
eyebrows are now almost back to how they were before I lost them and I still
feel grateful every time I apply mascara or brush my hair. I am still obsessed with all things
beauty and fashion and bright lipsticks remain an important part of my make up
New hair cut |
I still wear the pink shoes! |
Me and my beautiful sister. |
I finished my Herceptin infusions in July and now the only
treatment I have are Zoladex injections and Tamoxifen tablets. Tamoxifen and I
are not the best of friends. At the end of most days I ache like an old woman,
my legs frequently cramp and I often sleep badly but I am getting used to it
and some days are better than others. I recently discovered I am deficient in
Vitamin D and am now on tablets which I am hoping will help with the bone pain.
In October I took part in The Show, a fashion show raising
money for
Breast Cancer Care. It was an amazing day. I met some truly wonderful
people and hope to stay in contact with them for a long time to come and it was
fun to be a model for a day.
Oh I forgot to mention I was escorted down the runway by a male model! (photo taken by Breast Cancer Care) |
Photo taken by Breast Cancer Care |
My two year Cancerversary was in November and I spent a
lovely chilled weekend with my Madre in Cornwall...
Me and Madre |
I've been to Stonehenge and Harry Potter World...
Happy Stonehenge faces. |
Butterbeer selfie |
Hagrid's motorbike. |
I am looking forward to 2015, I feel like it could be my
year. In January I am hoping to go travelling for a month or so and then when I
get back I think I might move to London. It is very
exciting not to have to plan my life around breast cancer treatment any more
and I am really looking forward to being free of the hospital for a while. I am
very lucky to have the most amazing medical team keeping a close eye on me and
I know they will still continue to do so even if I am a bit further away from
So that is about it from me for now. I have really enjoyed
writing this blog and all the new friends and opportunities it has given me. I will
still check in from time to time and I love reading your comments. If you want
to keep updated more regularly with how I am getting on you can follow me on
twitter and
instagram. Don't forget to keep checking those boobs! And show my friends over at
Coppafeel! some love too please.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy
Love you long time. X